Gastro Esophageal Reflux disease (GERD) or Acid reflux or Heartburn disease refers to the condition in which the contents of the stomach (whether solid food or liquids or semi-solid food which is in a semi-digested state) push themselves back into the food pipe (esophagus). This action of the food finding its way back into the foodpipe irritates the foodpipe, causes heartburn and a host of other problems. It is characterized by a stinging, burning sensation along the chest cavity.

Doctors describe GERD as the formation of acidic substances and gases in the stomach. Though lots of people around the world suffer from this problem, most of them are careless enough not to bother about it and put up with it silently while others are just too busy and ignore the problem till it takes a serious toll on their health. Let us today know more about the causes of GERD.


What GERD patients need to know is that merely having an over-the-counter medicine for quick relief or an antacid might provide short term relief. Lots of people try household remedies as well. Suffice it here to say that a majority of people do not bother to investigate into the causes of this dreadful, chronic heartburn.

Though GERD is usually caused by a combination of various factors, the four main culprits are:

ABNORMALLY HIGH LEVELS OF ACID: Our stomach produces gastric acid (which consists primarily of hydrochloric acid). This acid plays a major role in activating digestive enzymes and in breaking down proteins into simpler substances. People suffering from GERD produce abnormally high levels of gastric acid- much more than what is required by the body. This high level of acid causes them heartburn when the food is pushed back into the foodpipe. If the condition becomes chronic, it can even cause serious damage to the esophageal lining in the long run.

LOWER ESOPHAGEAL SPHINCTER (LES) PRESSURE: The lower esophageal sphincter is a muscle at the end of the foodpipe which remains tightly closed at all times except to release the food from the food pipe into the stomach. If the LES pressure decreases due to weakening or malfunctioning, the contents of the stomach are pushed back into the foodpipe, causing acid reflux or GERD. Factors which can cause a lowering of LES pressure include:
Excessive weight and obesity

Caffeinated drinks like coffee, energy drinks, tea, carbonated drinks, etc.
Too many citrus and spicy foods or chocolates
Extremely tight clothes like pantyhoses, belts, corsets and girdles which squeeze the stomach
Eating ‘heavily? shortly before going to bed
Intense aerobics, jogging and stomach crunches and sit-ups, etc which place undue pressure on stomach muscles and causes weakening of LES.
Pregnancy, because of the pressure exerted by the growing fetus along the expecting mother’s abdomen.

HIATAL HERNIAS: A hereditary condition called the hiatal hernia can cause lowering of LES pressure, thereby contributing to GERD. Hiatal hernia occurs in a small hole in the diaphragm, called the hiatus. Under normal conditions, hiatus ensures passage of food from the foodpipe into the stomach. In people with weak or enlarged hiatus, the stomach protrudes into the chest through the diaphragm. This condition, called the hiatal hernia, is predominantly hereditary and can cause acid reflux or GERD.

SPEED OF METABOLISM: Slow speed at which the body gets rid of its toxic wastes or a slow speed of metabolism can also cause GERD. People with weak digestive systems have been found to be extremely vulnerable to acid reflux or heartburn due to this reason.  A number of tests and experiments conducted on GERD patients have led the doctors to come to an in interesting observation that the very medications taken by them to get rid of the symptom can actually cause the condition to become chronic.

GERD or acid reflux may be caused by reasons other than the ones listed above. Though it can make life miserable for the person who suffers from the burning feeling in the chest, GERD patients do have something to cheer about!

The good news is that they need not put up with the torture anymore. Tests are today available to help the doctor ascertain the exact cause of GERD, due to which it has become easier for the doctors to treat their patients and put an end to their misery.

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