Any diet requires a bit of preparation at first, Feast and Famine is certainly not an exception. I will say it requires much less preparation by the nature of Feast and Famine than any other diet I can think of and you won?t have to jump many hurdles, do any real expensive shopping or experience any of the other more traditional diet head aches.

Here’s some tips to get yourself ready to get the most out our plan?

Read And Understand This Guide

It?s pretty short so why not even read it twice. I?ve done my best to keep it fluff free and all the information and tips will make your journey at intermittent fasting Feast and Famine style much, much easier. If you like to read check out some of the books in our history chapter and you may find some other ideas you’d like to incorporate after you?ve done straight Feast and Famine for a bit.

If Possible At First Food Shop More Often

Here?s a trick I used in the beginning days of my intermittent fasting experiments and I?ve suggested to many of my friends and clients who have given it high praise too. Only keep enough food on hand for the days needs. On Feasting days you will have the pleasure of picking out some new treat to indulge in and on Famine days you won?t be as tempted to cheat than you would be if the refrigerator is packed with snacks. Now if you live rurally, or have a large family this may be less practical, but if you can do it I guarantee it will give you a big advantage over those who ignore this tip.

If You Skip A Day Just Get Right Back On Schedule

This diet is about freedom and abundance not restriction. If you have a family event, a date or even a slight slip up on a Famine day just get right back in action the next day and reduce your calories. No master dietary equations are fouled or other nonsense. Now don?t make a habit of this or you may end up seeing less than optimal results, but once in a while is perfectly fine. This automatic leeway is built into the Feast and Famine program making it not a diet you can ?fail? at if you stumble while getting into the groove, or any other time really!

Throw Out Your Past Diet Experiences

Feast and Famine requires a whole new view of dieting, so in all likelihood your past dieting experiences positive and especially negative don’t offer a whole lot of relevance. I?d suggest you file them away and don?t let them influence what you are doing here and now. This attitude, not only in dieting and fitness, but also in other areas of life can break chains and open up doors. See what you think.

Are you feeling more ready to begin? You should be because there?s a bright, fit and happy new you waiting at the end of the Feast and Famine road. And it?s a road not particularly long in most cases or even exceedingly difficult. You’ve taken the first step by reading this Guide, don’t turn back now!

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